Heavy Legs: Causes and Tips

Why do my legs feel heavy?
The sensation of heaviness or discomfort in the legs is primarily due to circulatory issues. Lack of physical activity and an increase in body weight can lead to stagnation of blood flow in the limbs. Consequently, prolonged periods of sitting without engaging the muscles can impede circulation in the legs, particularly in areas like the feet and ankles.
What happens in our veins?
Veins are responsible for returning blood to the heart. To facilitate this, they contain valves that allow blood to flow upward while preventing backward flow. If these valves malfunction, it can result in swelling and a sensation of heaviness in the legs.
Tips for lighter legs:
Get moving: Sport and movement enhances venous return (the blood flow to the heart) through leg muscle movement.
Stay hydrated: Drinking lots of water helps to remove toxins that accumulate in blood vessels.
Avoid tight clothing: Clothes that are too tight, such as jeans and leggings, prevent venous return. Opt for loose-fitting clothes.
Elevate your legs: By elevating your legs higher than your heart for around 15-20 minutes helps drain blood back towards the heart.
Cold shower: As your limbs get colder, blood rushes down from other parts of your body to warm them promoting blood flow.
Compression tights/socks: Flying commonly leads to reduced blood circulation, causing muscles to become stiff. Compression tights provide a firm yet gentle pressure that promotes blood movement through the veins.
Natural supplements: Red vine leaf in particular promotes circulation by facilitating blood flow, particularly during extended periods of standing or sitting.